Iran slams US strikes on Syrian military convoy

Iran has strongly condemned the US airstrikes on Syrian military convoy as a flagrant violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi censured Washington for the Thursday airstrikes on a convoy of 20 military vehicles in south of Syria, saying the move was an example of the country's unilateralism in the international community and ignoring recognized international norms and regulations.
Ghasemi went on to add, “the attack was carried out under a baseless pretext with an aim to cover up the problems of the US administration on domestic and international scenes.”
It is also a blatant malicious intervention of the US government in the region which attempts to change regional equations at a specific juncture, he added.
Ghasemi highlighted the adverse consequences of such moves on the process of developments in Syria and fighting terrorism, adding “under such circumstances where Syrian government, moderate opposition and all other influential sides in the Arab country are making efforts toward de-escalation of tension by creating grounds for Syrian-Syrian talks and encouraging other parties to facilitate the Astana process and Geneva talks, the US repeated aggressions not only ruin such constructive processes, but it will also reinforce terrorists’ positions inside Syrian territory.”
“If the international community keeps silent and turns a blind eye to the repeat of such moves, it will strike an irreversible blow to the recognized global and international norms,” he said.