Saipa and Iran Khodro were practically bankrupt in Ahmadinejad era; Leilaz tells ILNA

Iranian economist and political analyst says, Saipa and Iran Khodro companies were practically bankrupt at end of former president's tenure.
"Saeid Leilaz" economist and political analyst in his interview with ILNA, told: "Today the country’s major car producers have found their partners and companies like Peugeot, Renault and Honda officially started their activities in Iran."
Comparing their activity in two recent cabinets, he told: "Iran Khodro and Saipa, produced 50% less than their capacities in year 1392 and this is the condition that the government recieved the factories. Worse than that, "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad", former Iranian President, handed over the factories with 2 billion dollars, accumulated loss and accumulated liability. According to the trade act, the factories were practically bankrupt."
Leilaz emphasized: "The most significant reason for their failure and collapse can be contributed to price crackdown and populistic and instrumentalized use of the factories. As the dollar prices raised threefold, the government didn’t let the vehicle prices to increase proportionally, which meant to contributing to more losses per production."
"In year 1390, we witnessed 30% boost in inflation and the year 1391, the rates hit 40% and the closing price rose dramatically. The events lead to collapse of the automotive industry" he underlined.
According to Leilaz, nowadays, major Iranian car makers have found their partners.
"The point is, in addition to their joint production with their Iranian counterparts, there are investments from them and we’ll expect the first joint production in month of Ordibehesht" he added.