EU 's double standards in dealing with human right issues is a failed policy; Qassemi

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman called EU's extension of human right sanctions, failed and unproductive.
"Bahram Qassemi", Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, in reaction to the latest extension of human right related sanctions against the country from EU, said: "Islamic Republic of Iran condemns, repeating and negative double-standard policies, politically motivated approaches and abusing principles of human rights from European Union in dealing with ongoing issues. Unilaterally extending illegitimate sanctions with the excuse of violating human rights, is a failed and unproductive policy."
The spokesman added: "Unfortunately, the European Union has shown that it doesn’t have a proper and realistic understanding and appreciation of human right situation in Iran and with politically motivated approaches and confrontations has closed its eyes on the realities of citizens' rights in a country that has based its principles on religious democracy."
According to Qassemi, Islamic Republic of Iran regardless of all these cries will pursue its path in protecting and maintaining its citizens’ rights which are based on Islamic and constitutional principles.