Telegram administrators should not get arrested; Aref

Iran's head of Parliament Hope fraction, condemns recent arrest of social networking activists.
"Mohammad Reza Aref", Head of Iran’s Parliament’s Hope Fraction, underling the necessity of security organizations’ attempts in keeping citizens’ company and creating space for their participation, referred to recent arrest of some Telegram (a social networking application) Channels administrators and said that since all of the detainees are reformist, "it has been proved to all that the act was politically motivated."
Aref emphasized that Judiciary and affiliated organizations should immediately address the issue.
"Nevertheless, every two or three years, we have a political event in our country and people always realize the state, region and the government’s priorities" he stressed.
Criticizing the recent arrest of numerous social networking reformist activists, top legislative official expressed hope that through dialogue and more open approaches, even instances of committed mistakes would get resolved.
Aref voiced his desire for holding two upcoming elections in a calm and approaching space.