Pressure on the media pushes the country toward security dominant status; Aref

Head of Hope Fraction, in a letter congratulating the new year, expressed concern over recent arrest of media activists.
"Mohammadreza Aref", Head of Parliament's Hope Fraction issuing a letter congradulated the ocassion of the New Year's ceremoney and expressed his conren regarding today's political and social matter. Part of the letter is as follows:
Nowrouz has a special place in Iranian history and tradition and is considered graceful and elegant for all of us. Specifically that not only Islam didn’t reject the concept, but approved and embraced it.
Ancient Nowrouz is still alive between all of us and revive national pride and self identity. Hope that such feelings would invoke thinking that is necessary to build today and tomorrow based on our own past, to be ourselves, dignified and progressive and at the same time to be the humans of our time.
Nowrouz is a messenger of respect, mutual understanding and peace for all men and women.
Nowrouz has a sign of incomparable culture of peace, kindness, humanism of our great nation. For Iranians, Nowrouz is a time for a ceremony which essentially calls for putting aside hatred, hostility and animosity.
During the past year, bitter and sweat events happened, which among the most unfortunate incidents, we can remember martyrdom of some of our most beloved firefighters in the Plasco building collapse. I have to condole, once again to the families of those who have been lost.
Unexpected demise of “Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi”, in the past year, was heart-breaking and tragic for our nation and I believe all political movements and organizations are going to feel the void soon. This is only because Ayatollah Hashemi didn’t want anything except our Islamic country’s greatness and eminence. Those political movements who are looking for Iran’s development and progress should consider Ayatollah as their spiritual father.
In the upcoming year, we’re going to hold two significant elections which definitely needs a ferment and passionate open societal sphere, which only can be made possible out of a presence of all varieties of political thought and views. Recent pressure on the media and the arrests of the media activists is directing the country toward having more security driven atmosphere. Such acts are not at all in favor of our national interests. Particularly, as we’re nearing Nowrouz, we expect taking measures to have those who are in custody to meet their families and spend the holidays with them.
I’d also like to address our beloved youth, which are our real assets. Regardless of all the ups and downs in our economic and societal situations, whatever happens, our youths shouldn’t lost their hope and should keep struggling. The government also have to provide the ground for their active, passionate and free presence in all levels of society.
At the end, I hope that the New Year would bring prosperity and good quality in all aspects of life and we would witness a year full of understanding, friendship and justice for all Iranians.