Hope fraction's performance in the Parliament is positive; MP tells ILNA

Iranian parliament member regards Hope fraction's performance in the Parliament collaborative.
“Mahdi Sheikh”, Iran’s Parliament Member in an interview with ILNA, discussing the Hope fraction performance, called it's achievements in comparison to other parliament fractions, more coherent and coordinated.
“Most of the times, regarding the facing issues, fraction’s members were unanimous and in rare cases of dispute and disagreement we tried to settle down our views by interaction and collaborations” he added.
“In debates on the country’s sixth 5-Year developmental plan and the year 96 budget, despite having significant argues and objections about both of the plans, we attempted hard to reach a unified position through taking realistic approaches and distancing from impractical, idealistic measures in our interaction with the government”, legislative official underlined.
According to Sheikh, vital steps have been taken by the fraction in improving educational personnel’s living conditions and significant measures have been taken in the country’s sport field.
Regarding the role that Hope fraction has played in creating calm and approachable sphere in the parliament, he told that the aim was one of the Hope fraction’s campaign promise and we’ve successfully followed it.
“For instance, in the yearly budget and sixth developmental program discussions, despite having fundamental debates and arguments, we tried hard to move ahead through interaction and constructive collaborations”, he emphasized.