Sanctions based on nuclear deal against Iran lifted: Foreign Ministry

Sanctions based on nuclear deal against Iran lifted: Foreign Ministry
News code : ۴۶۲۷۶۶

The main goal of the nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers was removal of nuclear sanctions and economic obstacles imposed against the country, says the foreign ministry deputy.

“All the sanctions based on the nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), were expected to be removed and have all been lifted,” Abbas Araqchi foreign ministry’s Deputy for Legal and International Affairs told a conference on the Islamic Republic’s foreign diplomacy on Wednesday.

Of course, there remain to be obstacles still in place, but they are not related to the JCPOA, Araqchi said.

 “Only nuclear sanctions were expected to be lifted and we were neither allowed to nor was it right to negotiate on removing other sanctions,” he said.

While some non-nuclear sanctions are still in place but all the nuclear ones have been removed, Araqchi stressed.

According to the foreign ministry official,, one of the goals achieved by the JCPOA was lifting oil sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

“Before the imposition of sanctions Iran used to sell 2.5 million barrels of oil a day but under the sanctions the number reduced just to be one million barrels a day,” Araqchi said.

Over the last year, implementation of the nuclear deal saw many hurdles on its way, but we stood against all of the obstacles, he said.

