The health ministry is unaware of the real calculations: Alireza Mahjoob /2/

Iran's head of worker house has warned about the situation of social security organization.
The Workers House’s secretary general pointed out that some parliament members think that since social security organization is wealthy enough, it’s not facing any crisis. “Even if this organization was wealthy, it’s a rich man who at this moment has emptied its pocket. What’s going on here is a flood and this flood would take everyone with it.”
Alireza Mahjoob, pointing to the cost of medical treatments in social security organization told: “treatment in social security organization has a high share in the costs.”
This member of “Hope Fraction” of the parliament added: “Meantime, we see that the income of those who have been insured by this organization has only increased 60 percent, but the costs of the organizations has been raised about 400 percent. I just don’t get how the health ministry and health commission has come up with these calculations.”
Mahjoob, referring to his meeting with health ministry officials about transferring treatment costs to this ministry said: “I told the officials of health ministry at that meeting that it seems that doctors can’t count correctly and despite specified tariffs and rates, they receive their own share. They seem to be unaware of how the costs are and are only reiterating their claims.”
Emphasizing workers’ unity, facing the attacks in medical treatment sector of social security organization, he added that it’s not clear that those who are bringing up these claims, are conscious or not.
Member of Parliament’s social commission also added that there are mechanisms in place for taking back this social institute’s debt from the government and we in the parliament have find ways to do that. Due to the current situation of social security organization, the government has to pay back its debt, since not paying what they owe would have grave consequences.
“The pensions are dramatically disproportionate with the inflation and the illusion that these wages are boosted and we can get higher insurance titles is basically wrong.” He added.
Parliament Worker faction chief also mentioned that government and the employers are against the increase of the wages, a fact that would prevent the raise of the organization’s income from the worker’s insurance titles.
He also alluded to the worker faction meeting in the parliament about workers families’ basket of goods and services and said: “The calculations regarding such baskets indicate that poverty has been strengthened in these workers and their families lives. The calculations are pointing out that a family with 3.5 members, to what extent is suffering from poverty and problems associated with it and we should discuss about the issue and put our calculation regarding the incomes into action in our meeting.
“Equalizing pensions is a legal obligation and such issues are underlined in discussions about social security organization and should be implemented.” he said.
Mahjoob at the end stressed that he hopes, future meetings like this with the help of worker society, institutes, organizations, work Islamic council and by cooperation with secretary general of workers house in west of Tehran would be more effective and we would be able to hold these meetings regularly in factories and other units.