Iran will never give up Mina tragedy follow-up

Head of the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, Saeed Ohadi, said on Saturday that Iran seeks compensation from the Saudi government to the bereaved families of human tragedy occured in Mina last year.
Ohadi made the remarks in a meeting with the families who lost their loved ones in the human tragedy in Mina pilgrims last year.
The Islamic Republic of Iran will take legal action with the International Court of Arbitration to seek compensation from the Saudis for the negligence the Saudi government is responsible in line with the International Customary Law. he said.
The Supreme Leader demanded an international and Islamic inqury into the human tragedy occured in Mina last year to make clear that the Saudi government is responsible for negligence toward safety of the Hajj pilgrims.
The Charter of the United Nations required the member states to resolve their disputes by holding inquiry to clarify the stages led to the damages and loss of human lives to avoid conflict and the International Customary Law requires the government responsible for the deaths to pay compensations to the bereaved families.