Military operations in Syria must be coordinated with Damascus

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi reacted to the troops deployment by Turkey in northern Syria.
'The Islamic Republic of Iran has on different occasions announced that fighting the terrorist groups in Syria's soil should take place in coordination with that country's central government and on the basis of observing the sovereignty and territorial integrity as a fundamental principle of the international law,' Qassemi said on Thursday in reaction to the Turkish army's deployment of military forceand tanks to the northen Syrian city of Jarablus.
Qassemi said that it is neccasry that the regional countries fight the heinous phenomenon on terrorism.
'We have always reiterated that confronting terrorism is an international responsibility and it is necessary that the regional countries to confront this heinous phenomena in a joint cooperation,' foreign ministry spokesman added.
The Turkish media reported on Wednesday morning that the Turkish army's tanks had entered Syria and reached the Jarablus region.
At least 20 tanks of Turkish army are now in northern Syria.