More than the JCPOA is needed to increase peace and stability in the region: expert

Tom Sauer, the professor of international politics at the Universiteit Antwerpen, has said that Trump is basically unpredictable, and therefore there are chances for Iran to make a deal with him.
ILNA: While great powers tend to exert greater influence in international organizations, how can the principle of mutual respect and equality of all countries be promoted in the international system?
Tom Sauer: This is not so simple. There are powerful and relatively powerful countries that sometimes influence the decision-making process of international organizations like the United Nations, which is somewhat understandable. Compare, for example, the effectiveness of the League of Nations with the United Nations. However, this is not ideal. Ideally, all countries would respect each other.
ILNA: Do you think Trump's policies toward Iran are different from his previous approaches or from other US presidents?
Tom Sauer: Trump is fundamentally unpredictable. He is more than anything a broker, a businessman who wants to make a deal. So there are chances for Iran in this regard. On the other hand, he seems to prefer Israel to Iran (like most American officials). But from Iran's point of view, trying to negotiate is natural. Anything is possible.
ILNA: Given the US withdrawal from the JCPOA under Trump, how can the JCPOA be revived or similar agreements sought?
Tom Sauer: Trump didn’t like the JCPOA, partly because it was designed by Obama, not him. But if he can push through another deal that he sees as “better,” it’s possible that a deal like the JCPOA could be reached. Maybe Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace Prize!
ILNA: To what extent can possible changes in future US policies lead to improved relations between Iran and the US?
Tom Sauer: These relations could improve under Trump. We really don't know. Of course, if Iran goes nuclear, it would complicate things. Look at North Korea, which is not yet recognized as a nuclear power and apparently doesn't feel secure even with nuclear weapons.
ILNA: Do you think Iran's nuclear negotiations with three European powers can help increase peace and stability in the region?
Tom Sauer: To increase peace and stability in the region, more than a renewed/revived JCPOA is needed. Without a solution between Israel and Palestine, there will be no peace in the region. Moreover, the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia will be crucial for the region. In principle, your countries could do what European countries did after World War II: cooperate within the framework of the European Union.