Iran court holds 1st trial session over US-plotted 1953 coup

An Iranian court has begun the trial of the US administration and its officials over the 1953 coup against the democratically-elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh.
The first session of the trial was held at the 55th branch of the court dealing with international affairs in Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Judicial Complex on Sunday, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the coup.
The court will hear a lawsuit filed by some 402,000 Iranians against six American natural persons and legal enteritis over their role in the ousting of Mosaddegh that consolidated the rule of the pro-Western monarch, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, until the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Lawyer Shami Aghdam, representing the defendants, said documents show the US spy agency CIA, with the help of its British counterpart MI6, planned the coup by using internal and external agents against the legitimate government of Iran on August 19, 1953.