Iran proposes establishment of BRICS Information Network

The spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry Kanaani addressed a meeting of the BRICS foreign ministries’ spokespersons elaborated on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s proposals on the role of the bloc’s member states in the media and information dissemination in achieving objectives like establishing a just and multipolar world.
The spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry and head of Public Diplomacy of the ministry, Nasser Kanaani, addressed a meeting of the BRICS foreign ministries’ spokespersons and heads of information departments in Moscow and elaborated on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s proposals on the role of the bloc’s member states in the media and information dissemination in achieving objectives like establishing a just and multipolar world.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman explained the Islamic Republic of Iran’s views on the meeting’s agenda on various issues, including the collective move by the BRICS member states’ media to raise the bloc’s international standing and deepen the ties between the member states’ national media in order to establish a framework for a joint space for information dissemination, using the capabilities of digital and AI capabilities in public diplomacy and foreign policy, and countering the fake news and misleading information.
In his remarks, Kanaani highlighted the need to establish a BRICS Information Network aimed at disseminating and exchanging information among BRICS member states.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson reiterated, “Countering the currents that are against the member states’ free media activities in the West, countering misleading and fake news campaigns, countering the negative impacts of unilateral embargoes and unilateral hostile measures against member states by raising awareness on various aspects of the effects of sanctions, especially human rights aspects, can be among the functions of the information network.”