Iran condemns Israeli regime's airstrikes on Syria's Aleppo

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani has strongly condemned the Israeli airstrikes on Syria’s northern province of Aleppo, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of soldiers and civilians on Friday.
Kanaani expressed sympathy with the Syrian government and nation, specifically addressing the families of victims affected by the “brutal” Israeli attacks.
These attacks flagrantly violate international rules and regulations, as well as Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, he said, adding that they pose a serious threat to regional and international peace and security.
Kanaani emphasized that beyond condemning these aggressive attacks, it is imperative for the international community and the United Nations Security Council to take preventive measures and hold the aggressive Zionist regime accountable.
Furthermore, Kanaani denounced the Israeli attacks on Syria as a desperate and cowardly attempt to perpetuate and exacerbate the crisis in the region in order to compensate for the regime’s defeat in its battle against the Palestinian nation and resistance groups.