Iran’s nuclear achievements serve peace, humanity: Nuclear chief

Iran’s nuclear achievements serve peace, humanity: Nuclear chief
News code : ۱۴۰۳۲۷۵

​The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) says the country’s nuclear technology achievements are in line with peace and service to humanity.

Addressing a group of attendees of the 37th International Islamic Unity Conference during a visit to the Shahid Fakhrizadeh research reactor in Tehran on Monday, Mohammad Eslami said Iran does not seek nuclear weapons and has always pursued peaceful nuclear energy.

He said Iran is ready to share its nuclear achievements with non-hostile countries around the world.

“Iran’s nuclear technology achievements are in line with peace and service to humanity, and all of these activities are carried out based on the standards and regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and within the framework of the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and NPT and are pursued with the Agency’s continuous inspections,” he explained.

According to Eslami, the Islamic Republic determines its national interests based on its national capacities and is opposed to any monopoly over science and technology.

“Iran and its scientists have been sanctioned for years, and every day they put more pressure on [the country’s] nuclear program,” he said, dismissing lies against Iran’s civilian nuclear activities.
