Mass graves of indigenous children in Canada sign of genocide: FM Spox

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has referred to reports about the fresh discovery of mass graves of indigenous children in Canada as a “big human tragedy” that can only be described as “genocide”.
“The restricted flow of information about the discovery of these mass graves indicates the depth of the human tragedy and is reminiscent of the crimes committed during the oppressive and racist white rule under the British control of this country,” said Kanaani.
The spokesman said such crimes have taken place in a country whose government always tries to pretend itself as a human rights advocate in order to be able to interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries.
He said efforts by the Canadian government to divert public attention from the tragic discovery of mass graves in the country is a fresh sign that it always seeks to use human rights as a means of “imposing its biased political views” on others.
“The true justice seekers will never ignore these crimes against humanity and the Canadian government should be held accountable for its dark past,” said Kanaai while offering his sympathy to members of Canada’s indigenous community for the grief they have felt since the uncovering of the graves.