ECO should promote intra-regional trade among members: Amir-Abdollahian

The 26th ECO Council of Ministers has kicked off with Iran's presence in Tashkent today.
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran gave a speech at the 26th Foreign Ministerial Council of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). You can read the full speech below:
In the name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
My dear brother, Your Excellency Mr. Bakhtiar Saidov, the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Distinguished colleagues
Ladies and Gentlemen
Assalamu Alaykum
I would like to begin by appreciating the warm hospitality of the friend government and the dear nation of Uzbekistan for hosting this meeting in the beautiful city of Tashkent. My delegation and I are very honored to attend this meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization. Also, I’d like to congratulate my dear brother Hix's Excellency Mr. Jeyhoon Bayramov, the Honorable Foreign Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan for assuming the presidency of the ECO in 2023. And I sincerely appreciate the Honorable Secretary General Mr. Khosro Nazeri and his colleagues in the Secretariate for their effective efforts for the advancement of our organization’s affairs and preparation of this meeting.
Distinguished participants
Three decades ago, 10 countries started a collective effort to reinforce regional integration in this historical and civilizational zone and paved valuable grounds for multi-lateral cooperation—even though there remains a remarkable distance between our achievements and the real capacities of the ECO region. On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the integration of seven new members to the ECO, I reiterated in Tehran last December that our organization is capable to present successful models of South-South cooperation as well as collaboration between land-locked states and transit countries, between the producers and consumers of energy, among our people in tourism, science, technology, innovation and university exchange. I firmly believe that our shared cultural, religious, and ritual values and heritage among the ECO members have provided a strong foundation for a brighter vision for our region.
Developments of the recent years across the globe and their impact on our region have doubled the necessity of further convergence and alignment among the countries of the region. Covid-19 and its devastating impacts as well as recent crises in terms of food and energy security in the world transparently revealed the vulnerability of various countries regardless of their economic trade volume. Therefore, for all the countries of the world and particularly our region, resilience to possible future shocks in future is not a choice but a necessity. Of course, in solidifying such resilience, one available option is to strengthen collective cooperation within multilateral mechanisms. The ECO and other foundations established in the past thirty years could mark the first choice for cooperation in this frame. I would like to highlight the following in this respect:
Resilience through trade
The ECO must be promoting intra-regional trade among the members. So far, this has not been fully materialized and commerce among the members has not received sufficient support from the commercial mechanisms of our organization. I would like to propose and ask all members not only the five members of the ECOTA Trade Agreement to begin negotiations for trade liberalization at the regional level and participate in it. The Summit Meeting in Ashgabat also stressed such importance. Iran will participate seriously in this process despite the problem of oppressive sanctions.
Resilience through Connectivity
The significance of the ECO region in terms of connectivity is undeniable and global developments have doubled such significance. Connectivity and transport are one of the main driving forces behind convergence and further collective development and prosperity of economic capacity in the region in the following years. The ECO as a region is itself considered a transit route that connects surrounding areas in east and south Asia, northern and eastern Europe, and south of the Persian Gulf. Additionally, and more importantly, the ECO provides a proper ground for transit participation and cooperation among the seven land-locked countries and three transit member states. The objective here is to decrease the economic vulnerability of land-locked countries and improve the collective development of all the member states. Iran is prepared to further expand its contribution to this field.
Resilience through energy
The energy security crisis in the world and the region fully exposed the vulnerability of the consumers of energy to unanticipated shocks. Climate change and winter cold recently uncovered the vulnerability of some energy-producing countries. The ECO region can turn to a pattern of participation among the producers and consumers of energy. Undoubtedly, participation and cooperation in gas and electricity which are among the ECO priorities could contribute to materializing this objective. In this respect, I would like to highlight the initiative by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran presented to the forum of gas exporting countries concerning the significance of Gas for Post-covid Global Economy Recovery.
Resilience through innovation and new technologies
The ECO requires further investment in new technologies, knowledge-based industries, and digitization of economic activities. Without a doubt, the promotion of cooperation among the member states in these sectors would result in enhanced regional resiliency and competitiveness of the ECO on the global stage. The Islamic Republic of Iran stands ready to share its achievements in knowledge-based sectors with the ECO members.
Resilience through maximum cohesion
The Islamic Republic of Iran seriously believes in the collective interests of maximum cohesion among the ECO states. We have always welcomed initiatives and proposals contributing to the enhancement of the role and status of ECO in the economic development of the member states. In this respect, an enhanced sense of ownership appears critical in the private and government sectors as well as the elite of the member countries and among all the people of our region at large. Also, we require the contribution and presence of all the 10 member states of the ECO in its cooperation mechanisms and arrangements. Cohesion can and must represent one of the achievements of the fourth decade of our organization. In this ministerial meeting, we have on our agenda today the establishment of two new mechanisms of cooperation, the establishment of the ECO Regional Center for Risk Management in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the ECO Clean Energy Center in the Republic of Azerbaijan and we expect all the member countries to support and join such establishment.
Afghanistan is an important member of the big ECO family. The Islamic Republic of Iran has been one of the main supporters and sponsors of the ECO Advocacy Policy for Afghanistan and has emphasized its full and effective implementation. Iran has supported the noble people of Afghanistan through bilateral assistance to prevent humanitarian crises. Without a doubt, the establishment of an inclusive government in Afghanistan can facilitate assistance and reconstruction programs and reduce threats of terrorism, displacement, and trafficking of narcotics in the region.
Mr. Chair
Distinguished colleagues
The Islamic Republic of Iran reaffirms compliance with its commitments on global stages while acting responsibly within the regional frameworks. In this respect, human rights issues are among the priorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran within the framework of its national and Islamic principles and foundations as well as the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and international commitments. We consistently welcome dialog and meaningful interaction with serious partners within the framework of mutual respect.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has actively and responsibly contributed to regional and global initiatives and programs to tackle environmental crises and climate change particularly the impact on water resources and natural disasters. Water management and cooperation with the countries of the region on transboundary rivers through water diplomacy and overcoming the impacts and root causes of a dust storm in the region are among the areas we are making efforts to materialize. In 2022, we hosted a regional meeting at the level of environment ministers in Tehran to come up with a regional convention to protect the environment. And we are seeking to organize an international meeting to discuss the ways and mechanisms to overcome dust storm challenges in accordance with the relevant United Nations General Assembly resolutions.
The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is, among others, based on non-intervention in domestic affairs and constructive interaction with all the countries of the world. We vehemently condemn the recent interventionist and unprecedented resolution by the European Parliament. The negative consequences of such emotional and sensational behavior could be catastrophic for Europe. And therefore, the right path goes through concentration on diplomacy, constructive interaction, and rationality.
In conclusion, I would like to once again appreciate the honorable Secretary General and his colleagues in the Secretariat for making efforts to implement the ECO programs. The success of ECO, like any other international organization, depends on a professional, efficient, and informed secretariate. The member countries should seriously consider empowering the secretariat to address the increasing needs of the ECO in the fourth decade of the establishment.
Once again, I declare the unconditional support of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the prosperity and success of the ECO.
Thank you for your attention.