Intelligence Min: Existing national unity broken enemy's might

Arguing that unity among tribes and religions is among Iran's pride, intelligence ministers said, "existing national unity has broken the enemy's might."
Hojjatoleslam Khatib who was speaking at the inauguration ceremony of a provincial security official said national unity and territorial integrity have always existed in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
"During the recent unrests the western intelligence services and mass media used all their capabilities to blow and attack against powerful Iran, its sacred system and its always-ready-at-the-scene nation, its sagacious Supreme Leader and people's resistance, but once again they faced defeat," he added.
Khatibzadeh added that the enemies resorted to a full-scale complicated war in recent unrest, inclusive of their entire communication and media facilities, which equals a media world war against Iran.
"The enemies resorted to hallucinating people, forging news, and using all their might to present a fake image and promote aggression, terrorism, and looting public properties as their top priorities," he said.
The intelligence minister reiterated that they nurtured unrests and assisted the separatist grouplets, created a psychological war aimed at regime change against the sacred system of Islamic Republic of Iran.
"But the might of the country's security and armed forces, and the sagacious leadership of the Supreme Leader, once again urged the enemies to face a severe defeat," he stressed.
He also condemned the enemies' propagation of JCPOA, and their claiming themselves innocent in fomenting unrests in Iran, emphasizing, "Those efforts of the enemies is a sign of Islamic Republic of Iran's might, and the Iranians' national unity to support this sacred political system.