Iran envoy reacts to IAEA Board of Governor's anti-Iran resolution

Iran envoy reacts to IAEA Board of Governor's anti-Iran resolution
News code : ۱۲۹۹۳۴۸

The permanent representative of Iran to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the Board of Governors, said that the objectives of the proposers of this anti-Iranian resolution will not be reached, but its ratification can affect Iran's constructive cooperation with IAEA negatively.

Mohsen Naziri-Asl said on Thursday, "Today, the IAEA Board of Governors under high pressure from the United States, Britain, and Germany ratified a resolution against our country's peaceful nuclear activities."

The ambassador of our country at IAEA added, "In the course of surveying the issue, the supports of the draft of this resolution presented baseless and fake information to the Board of Governors to justify their unconstructive approach, and tried to turn that session into an instrument to pursue their short-sighted political objectives, which are beyond the objectives and responsibilities of the agency."

Naziri said that those countries spared no effort aimed at questioning Iran's continuous interactions with the agency, and creating suspicions about reaching an agreement to terminate the unjustly imposed sanctions against our country.

"We strongly believe this resolution will bear no fruit for the countries that have drafted it, as they are the main violators of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which is paving the path to justify more unilateral sanctions against the Iranian nation," said the Iranian envoy.

He emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran considers the non-unanimous resolution presented to the Board of Governors on Thursday by three European countries and the United States as a political, unconstructive, and erroneous act, that is strongly condemned and quite unacceptable, while sarcastically asking Iran to have interactions and cooperation with the agency.

"Keeping in mind Iran's broad-scale cooperation with the IAEA, asking the Islamic Republic of Iran to cooperate with the agency, using the lever of the Board of Governors, through ratifying a politically-motivate resolution is quite unjustifiable and meaningless," said Ambassador Naziri.
