Iran protests to UNSC against Zionist leaders' warmongering remarks

Iran's permanent ambassador to the United Nations protested against the belligerent and threatening remarks made by the Zionist regime's leaders against Iran.
"While warning against the Israeli regime's military adventurism against Iran in order to pursue its malign policies in the region, the Islamic Republic of Iran reserves its legitimate right, in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter, to respond to such criminal and terrorist acts and protect its people and national security interests at any time it deems appropriate," Majid Takht Ravanchi said in a letter to António Guterres, the secretary-general of the United Nations, and Ronaldo Costa Filho, the president of the Security Council.
In an interview on 14 July 2022, Eyal Ilulata, the head of the Israeli regime's National Security Council, openly threatened Iran with more terrorist operations, stating, "We have acted not infrequently over the last year... in Iran."
Ilulata also said, "Israel would act independently against the Islamic Republic regardless of Washington's view on the issue," adding, "this would just be a continuation of what it has already done for the last year."
Takht Ravanchi said in his letter, "This provocative statement constitutes not only a flagrant violation of international law and the United Nations Charter but also a blatant admission of responsibility for Israel's terrorist and destructive operations against Iranian officials, scientists, civilians, and peaceful nuclear infrastructure committed by this regime inside Iranian territory during recent years."
"It also proves the fact that the Israeli regime is responsible for such criminal and terrorist acts and must be held accountable and bear the consequences," the Iranian envoy stressed.
"The Security Council is expected to uphold its charter obligation to maintain international peace and security and condemn the Israeli regime's warmongering policies and malevolent activities, which are a real threat to international peace and security," he added.
"This regime must be forced to comply with international law and abandon its dangerous plans for the region," he noted.