Maduro says Iran, Venezuela have common goal of fighting colonialism, imperialism

Maduro says Iran, Venezuela have common goal of fighting colonialism, imperialism
News code : ۱۲۴۱۲۵۷

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says Tehran and Caracas share the goal of fighting colonialism, imperialism, and racism.

Maduro, who arrived in Tehran on Friday at the head of a high-ranking politico-economic delegation, made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Iran’s Spanish-language television channel Hispan TV.

Venezuela and Iran are on the frontline of shaping a world free of imperialism and dominant powers, Maduro stated.

The era of the United States’ military dominance of the world is over, the Venezuelan president added.

Venezuela and Iran should share knowledge in all fields to create a new world, Maduro noted, underscoring the fact that humanity is transitioning and a‎ new geopolitical system would be established in the world.

The president hailed Iran’s courageous move to send fuel tankers to his energy-hungry nation, saying Tehran’s delivery of oil to Caracas was great help to the Venezuelan people.

Iran sent fuel to Venezuela despite US sanctions and threats, Maduro underlined.

Iran and Venezuela have managed to withstand economic pressure from the United States, and have closely cooperated to offset the impact of illegal sanctions, particularly those targeting their energy sectors.

Iran has supplied fuel shipments and equipment needed in crude refineries to Venezuela in the face of US pressure on the country’s shipping and trade services. Venezuela has also received major shipments of condensate, a diluent of heavy oil, from Iran.

Oil industry analysts announced in January that Venezuela had doubled its oil production thanks to Iran’s help in defiance of US sanctions against Caracas. The Venezuelan oil production reached an estimated average of 900,000 barrels per day (bpd) in December and could reach 850,000 bpd in January, oil industry sources told the Miami Herald.

Venezuelan oil experts confirmed the significant growth in the country’s production, underlining that the Iranian naphtha is essential for the government in Caracas to be able to sell crude from the Orinoco Oil Belt, which needs to be diluted to be sold on world markets.

Elsewhere in his interview, Maduro said Venezuela and Iran have enjoyed brotherly ties for decades, reiterating his country’s resolve to achieve a higher level of cooperation with Tehran. He added Caracas and Tehran have revolutionary backgrounds and they have always supported one another in hard times.

Maduro also stated that the two countries are working to expand cooperation in tourism sector and establish direct flights between Caracas and Tehran.

He said Venezuela welcomes and invites investments from Iran, noting that a delegation, which is currently accompanying him, aims to find ways to improve relations. Venezuela and Iran would open a new era in mutual relations, Maduro added.

He noted many companies are willing to work in Venezuela, which by itself vindicates the fact that resisting the US sanctions will eventually bear fruit.

The Venezuelan president underscored the need to well inform the Iranian and Venezuelan nations about the war of sanctions and find ways to counter them with steadfastness. Maduro stated Caracas and Tehran have shaped the strategy of resistance economy and are working to expand it.

He underlined the incorporation of people in the governments’ efforts is among key strategies to counter sanctions.
