Iran negotiating team’s steadfastness stuns West

Iran negotiating team’s steadfastness stuns West
News code : ۱۲۱۹۱۸۰

Determination showed by the Iranian nuclear negotiating team during the Vienna talks has pushed the West to the corner; the Iranian nation consolidates its triumph in the war of wills, an Iranian lawmaker said.

Deputy Chairman of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Abbas Moqtadaei told IRNA on Saturday that in line with the guidelines of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the culture should be promoted that despite all efforts made by diplomacy apparatus to pursue the Islamic establishment’s objectives, domestic issues should not be tied to negotiations in Vienna, Austria, on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal and removal of anti-Iran sanctions.

Moqtadaei noted that the Supreme Leader underlined that the authorities should keep on their efforts to uphold the highest national interests, so Iran pursues interaction with all countries around the globe along with following up the Vienna talks, but the other side has a history of violating agreements; thus, development of the Islamic country should not be halted.

The culture of “we can do it” does not mean that Tehran is not keen on interacting with other countries, the legislator mentioned.

-- Fast Accord Possible

Iran’s nuclear negotiating team is in a position of power in the talks for reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), he said, adding that the steadfastness shown by the negotiating team has stunned the West in the talks, and the Iranian nation could dictate its resistance and victory on the other side when it came to the war of wills.

Of course, the Islamic Republic showed its willingness as much as possible to pursue interaction; now, if the United States stops proposing excessive demands, a Vienna agreement can be reached soon, the member of parliament said.

The Americans are more than Iranians in need of an agreement especially due to recent developments. The Islamic Republic is a regional power, while Europe and the US have reached the conclusion that they cannot ignore Iran, so the situation seems to be a strong point, which has been achieved as a result of the Iranian nuclear negotiating team’s determination, he added.

-- Negotiation a National Issue

As the Supreme Leader emphasized, the nuclear negotiations should be considered as a national subject, so all should be united in this respect to echo one voice from inside Iran, Moqtadaei noted.

The Iranian Parliament, its National Security and Foreign Policy Commission in particular, as an essential part of Iran’s establishment is fully aware of the details of the talks in Vienna and the efforts made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he argued.

Unity among different branches and authorities in Iran is exemplary, especially in recent months, the MP said, noting that the nuclear negotiating team implements orders issued at the top level of the establishment and that the delegation has shown a successful job in conducting in safeguarding the Islamic Republic’s red lines.
