Tehran seeks guarantees that new sanctions not to be imposed

Tehran seeks guarantees that new sanctions not to be imposed
News code : ۱۱۷۹۹۲۸

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says during sanctions removal talks in the Austrian capital, Tehran seeks guarantees that no further sanctions will be imposed on the country once they are removed.

Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera news network, during which he elaborated on the overall course of negotiations in the Austrian capital with the goal of removing illegal sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic.

“We seek removal of sanctions that were imposed on Iran by [former U.S. President Donald] Trump, especially those sanctions that are at odds with the [2015] nuclear deal [officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)],” Iran’s foreign minister said.

Amir-Abdollahian added, “We also want guarantees that no new sanctions are imposed and that the existing sanctions would not be reimposed once they are removed.”

Iran’s foreign minister stated that facilitating the country’s oil exports and return of their revenues to the country are among guarantees sought by Iran in Vienna talks.

“The eighth round of Vienna talks is on the right path … [and] achieving a good agreement is possible if the Western sides show serious determination,” Iran’s top diplomat said.

Amir-Abdollahian noted that Iran and the United States are exchanging unofficial messages in Vienna in order to facilitate the ongoing talks, saying, “We hear good words from Americans in Vienna, but what is important is to see them taking serious steps.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Amir-Abdollahian reflected on the ongoing talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia saying, “Our negotiations with Saudi Arabia are positive and constructive and we are ready to reestablish ties at any time.”

“Our representatives at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will return to Jeddah and this is a positive step,” Amir-Abdollahian noted.

Iran’s top diplomat said Tehran is aware of the importance of comprehensive talks encompassing Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey to help resolve regional problems.

He also condemned normalization of a number of Arab countries’ relations with Israel, saying, “We have warned our neighbors that normalization of relations with the Zionist regime is a strategic mistake and they will be the first parties to pay a price for it.”

Amir-Abdollahian’s remarks came after earlier on Thursday, Iran’s chief negotiator in Vienna talks said the negotiations with the remaining signatories to the Iran deal are “positive and forward-moving.”

Ali Bagheri Kani added that efforts were underway to achieve results from the talks.

He made the remarks while speaking to reporters before heading for talks with representatives of the five remaining signatories to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the official name of the deal.

The Iranian chief negotiator has said the success of the Vienna talks depends on achieving an agreement on the effective removal of the cruel U.S. sanctions against Tehran.

The more serious the other side is in removing sanctions and accepting Iran’s mechanisms for doing so, especially on the verification and guarantee issues, the sooner we can reach an agreement, Bagheri Kani added.

