Buying Iranian pistachios without intermediaries

Buying Iranian pistachios without intermediaries
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Buy and sell pistachios without intermediaries in Kivaaz Trading Company

One of the products that is abundantly cultivated and used in Iran and is bought and sold by different people is pistachio. This product is one of the unique crops in Iran and is cultivated in many areas of Iran. Nowadays, you can buy and sell pistachios in different ways. One of these methods is the use of websites and applications created for this purpose.

Buy pistachios and sell pistachios through

Today, with various advancements in the field of technology, many people want to do their buying and selling through these new facilities in order to save their time and get the product they want easily. Also, many people have designed websites and applications to bring pistachio buyers and sellers together to buy and sell their products directly and thus cut the hands of middlemen and dealers from these purchases.

Buying Iranian pistachios with the help of kivaaz

One of the sites that has tried to achieve this goal is the kivaaz site. On this site, all kinds of high-quality Iranian pistachios can be bought and sold. Therefore, to buy pistachios and sell pistachios in different types, you can refer to kivaaz site and buy pistachios through this site.

Selling bulk Pistachios without intermediaries

Pistachio is one of the most popular products among the people of the world. Today, selling bulk pistachios without intermediaries is considered one of the most cost-effective measures, by means of which conditions have been created so that people can have the necessary access to this product and get it at a reasonable price.

Buying and selling pistachios in the country's markets in bulk has many advantages. Among these advantages is the price and good quality of the pistachio product. In addition to having a delicious taste, pistachios also have unique properties and benefits. Pistachio consumption is effective in treating and reducing diseases.

Iran's exported pistachios include: Ahmad Aghaei pistachios, Akbari pistachios, Kole Ghochi pistachios, Badami pistachios, Fandango pistachios, etc. It is possible that each of them has specific specifications and different prices. Every year, many quantities of these pistachios are sold in bulk inside and even outside of Iran.

These products have excellent quality and a completely healthy and uniform sound. There is no corruption or damage in these pistachio cultivars. The high quality of Iranian pistachios has made people buy and use this product several times.

What are the benefits of Pistachios?

Buying Iranian pistachios without intermediariesBuying Iranian pistachios without intermediaries

The properties of pistachio are abundant. You have probably heard this sentence thousands of times, but have you ever read anything about the properties and benefits of pistachios? Pistachio, from its name to its origin, is completely Iranian and Iranshahri. This product can be considered the symbol of Iran. What the whole world knows us thanks to.

In addition to the benefits and properties of pistachios, the applications and uses of this brain are also many. It is effective from baking sweets and cakes to the production of toiletries and oil extraction and the use of its extract to strengthen the skin and hair. It may even be surprising, but this brain is also used in the production of sausages and pasta sauce. Things that we rarely see in Iran.

In every 100 grams of this product, you can find the following minerals:

  • Carbohydrates about 27.5 grams

  • About 7.6 grams of sugar

  • Fiber about 10.3 grams

  • Fat about 45.3 grams

  • Saturated fat is about 5.5 grams

  • About 10 grams of protein

  • iron

  • Calcium

  • magnesium

  • phosphorus

  • potassium

  • Roy

In addition to the above minerals, the following vitamins are also present in pistachio properties:

  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6

  • folic acid

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin D

  • Vitamin K

  • Vitamin E

Bulk pistachio distribution center without intermediaries

Bulk pistachios are always distributed inside and outside of Iran in different ways due to its advantages and unique features. Also, this direct sale of pistachios has given a lot of prosperity to the market of this product and has attracted many buyers to it.



High quality Iranian pistachios

The bulk pistachio distribution center provides this quality product in bulk and directly to the buyers. The wholesale sale of pistachios has had a great effect on the reduction of the final price of this product and has made this product available to customers at a reasonable price.

Today, selling pistachios in bulk online by reputable centers such as Kivaaz Trading Company is one of the most effective ways to sell this product without intermediaries. Kivaaz Trading Company has made it possible for all dear customers inside and outside of Iran to get this high-quality product, and these services have always been a source of customer satisfaction.

Dear customers, to order this quality and affordable product, you can visit our website at and contact our sales experts to buy first-class pistachios.

Selling without intermediaries the best Iranian pistachios

Pistachios are sold in different ways. For example, during its harvesting season, which is usually September, it is sold as fresh and shelled pistachios, which most people buy. Another type of pistachio sale is dry pistachio sale, which is sold in different centers.

Suggested content : Iran pistachio export

Pistachios are one of the famous types of dried fruits and a kind of strategic product for Iranians, which is famous worldwide. Pistachio has many healing properties, and its different types have these properties. Therefore, with daily and balanced consumption of pistachios, part of the body's nutritional needs can be met.

The largest marketplace for selling pistachios without intermediaries

The cultivation of organic products is an important issue that has been taken into consideration in the production of all kinds of agricultural products. Pistachio planting and production is not an exception to this rule, and pistachio growers and pistachio gardeners seek to use these new methods. In organic farming, the maximum effort is to produce the pistachio product with less poisons and fertilizers, and as a result, a product reaches the hands of the buyer and consumer that has the least harmful substances.

Kivaaz trading company provides quality and organic pistachios to its customers without intermediaries and in bulk. Original pistachios from Damghan, Rafsanjan and Kerman can be bought in this center in any quantity and volume you need.

The direct sale of pistachios also includes the pistachio export market, which means that every year a large amount of first-class Iranian pistachios is sent to the markets of other countries. You can contact us to buy and sell this product:

شراء الفستق بالجملة

