How to Read The Epoch Times for Free Online?

Although most of the articles on the Epoch Times website are free, you can now access the most recent news from across the world with the Epoch Times app. It will cover breaking political news from the US, China, and around the world as well as articles on art, culture, and other topics.
The Epoch Times free app, which is accessible for Android, iOS, and e-book readers, allows you to get the news in real time on your phone, right in your hands. It is not even an in-app purchase. It will also be updated with additional features based on the readers’ needs and requests. There are already audio versions of the articles right there. so you can keep up with the latest news while on the go.
By using the Epoch Times app, you may access the news without looking for its website or entering a URL because it is always available on your smartphone and all you need to do is open the app. The free articles are sufficient to give you a fair overview of the situation, but you may access more by subscribing for just $1. Having complete access to all articles is not the only benefit of membership; you can also enjoy Epoch TV, the daily newsletter, and bonus gifts.
The Epoch Times, as a thoughtful alternative to your daily news stream, puts the most recent authentic news in your hands. Using the Epoch app, you can stay up to date on world events wherever you are, even while driving or waiting.
The Epoch Times is a non-profit news organization that provides investigative reporting on worldwide issues. It, like New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television, is run by The Epoch Media Group.
We at The Epoch Times understand the significance of staying current on world events. That's why our team of seasoned journalists works tirelessly to bring you in-depth coverage of the subjects that matter most. The Epoch Times covers everything from global political happenings to big athletic events and cutting-edge scientific discoveries.
We made the papers available in 35 countries and deliver them in many languages. However, because of our opposition to China's Communist Party, China has blocked Epoch Times in this country. We back right-wing administrations and US President Donald Trump. We discovered Twitter's involvement in 2020 election fraud, which Elon Mask exposed with proof while in charge of Twitter. It hints to the veracity of our reporting.
The Epoch Times has something for everyone, from business and politics to entertainment and lifestyle advice. With so much useful information available online, there's no reason not to give the website a visit now.
How Can I Subscribe to The Epoch Times?
Subscribers to The Epoch Times appreciate the publication's commitment to traditional values, unbiased reporting, trustworthy articles, and thoughtful, balanced coverage. You can also become an Epoch subscriber and enjoy full access to the news using the blue button at the top-right corner of the Epoch website.
The subscription fee is $1 for two months or $99 for 12 months, which is a very small amount to assist us in raising more funds to maintain the high standard and independence of the Epoch Times' journalism.
Get instant access to stories on arts and culture, politics, the US, China, and more, as well as award-winning journalism and breaking news, with in-depth coverage of China and US politics
Using The Epoch Times Google Play App
By downloading The Epoch Times app , you can stay up to date on the most recent world news. It has breaking news alerts and top sections, as well as the ability to save articles to your personalized reading list. You can also adjust the articles’ font size on the app or read them in dark mode. Using The Epoch Times app is free on either Android or iOS and will never require payment.
Downloading The Epoch Times App on App Store
In order to take advantage of the free The Epoch app on iOS, download the app. Its special features on either iOS or Android include the following:
- Top Sections
- Breaking News Alerts
- Livestream Notification
- Video Section
- Opinion
- Making a personalized reading list out of articles
- Easily share stories
- Adjusting the font size
- Dark mode
Remember that the Epoch Times apps are entirely free to download and use. To get access to the latest news at the shortest time, USE EPOCH APP.