How to advertise on Iran's top 10 sites + price

How to advertise on Iran's top 10 sites + price
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Advertising on popular sites is one of the most important pieces of the digital marketing puzzle. These days, most business owners turn to other sites to reach their target audience. They have understood very well that in order to achieve their goals, they must be present in a place where their audience goes.

Obviously, product or service promotion can bring you closer to your target when it is seen. Can you find the audience you need by advertising on anonymous sites? Your click rate and consequently your conversion rate depends on the number of people who view your ad.

However, does advertising on any popular site give you a return on investment? No! Join us in this article to first examine the purpose of advertising on popular sites and how to choose the right option. Then let's take a look at the most visited Iranian advertising sites and the methods of displaying advertisements in them.

The most visited Iranian sites for advertising

1. Varzesh3

Sports 3 is considered one of the most popular and most visited Iranian sites. Millions of daily visits to this website is not something to be taken lightly. Sports are three great places to increase brand awareness, attract the number of interested customers (leads) and increase sales.

Sports three allows you to reach your target audience in different formats such as matching, product and video. The price of advertising in sports depends on the type of advertisement and its display location.

For example, static matching ads on internal pages will cost you from 2000 to 10000 tomans and on the main page from 3000 to 10000 tomans per click. You can use other options like normal match to manage your expenses. The cost of regular advertisements in sport 3 is on average between 800 and 900 Tomans.

2. Tejarat News

Tejarat News is one of the most popular news websites that publishes various narratives about the economy of Iran and the world. TejaratNews website has also managed to attract the attention of countless audiences by providing training and economic analysis. The cost of each click for matching ads in Tejarat News is on average 350 to 500 Tomans and for banner ads between 700 to 1000 Tomans.

3. Tarafdari

Fadari is another popular sports website that has performed brilliantly in recent years. This website is an independent sports media that provides its audience with the latest news, sidelines and sports analysis. On the other hand, Fanari also allows its users to share their posts and comments.

Pro user interaction along with its significant daily visits has made it a great place for advertising. You can display your ad in various forms on this website. You should spend on average from 350 to 500 tomans for matching ads and from 700 to 1000 tomans per click for banner ads.

4. Delgarm

Delgarm is considered to be the first internet magazine of Iran that started its activity in 2005 independently. Their main activity is currently in the field of producing and publishing social, cultural, educational, lifestyle and entertainment content. They also provide good health and hygiene content to their audience.

Delgarm has managed to attract the attention of many audiences by adding various and attractive sections such as weather conditions, product prices and online answers to medical and midwifery questions. Their continuous activities and careful planning, along with the daily publication of 150 different contents, made Delgarm one of the ten most visited Iranian websites.

This website has been hosting the advertisements of various businesses since 2007. You can also count on the number of daily visits to this popular advertising website and deliver your ads to your audience through it. Set aside from 350 to 1000 tomans per click for advertising in Delgarm.

5. Donya-e-eqtesad

Donya-e-eqtesad is a news and analysis website that tries to increase the economic knowledge of its visitors. This website adheres to professional principles in publishing news and analyzes and pays more attention to the satisfaction of its audience than anything else. Another advantage of this website is its English version.

The presence of economic analysts in the world of economics and their adherence to professional principles has caused a large number of people to use this website daily.

6. Namnak

namnak has started its activity since 2011. In these nine years, this website has been able to be among the most visited Iranian sites by providing various contents in social, cultural, fitness and fashion fields. namnak is also considered one of the popular sources for finding recipes for various dishes by providing educational content for cooking.

7. Fararu

fararu is a news website that has gained a good position among Iranian users by presenting the latest Iranian, political and sports news. They have also tried to publish interesting lifestyle content on their site to attract more audience.

8. Entekhab

The site of choice is another news website that has become a good place to display advertisements in these years. They have been able to increase their daily visits by providing the latest Iranian and foreign news in various fields, as well as news images and videos.

The professional activity of selection has been followed by the trust of a large number of people. You have to spend 350 to 500 Tomans and 700 to 1000 Tomans per click for matching ads and banner ads.

9. ilna

Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) is an Iranian news agency. ILNA was launched in Tehran on 24 February 2003, and provides coverage of the country's trade unions.

ILNA advertising type is banner and paid monthly, and you have to pay a lot of money to advertise in ILNA news agency.

10. Eghtesadonline

Eghtesadonline is considered one of the most popular and most visited Iranian news websites in the field of economy. They have been able to gain the trust and satisfaction of their audience by publishing detailed analyzes and real news. The number of visits to this website is more than 100,000 people per day, which cannot be ignored so easily.

Features of popular sites suitable for advertising

From the past to the present day, business owners have tried to attract the attention of potential customers by advertising in crowded places. With the expansion of the Internet, they implemented the same strategy in the digital world. That's why popular advertising sites have become more and more popular today.

The most visited sites have also understood the needs of the market very well. Hence, they rent their website spaces to businesses to display ads. You should follow the steps below to choose the best option among them:

1. Demographic and behavioral characteristics of visitors

First of all, you should evaluate the demographic characteristics and behavior of the visitors of the most visited advertising sites. Do the characteristics of their audience match your customer persona?

For example, free shipping may be important to their audience. If you don't offer such a service, it's better to skip advertising there because you're bound to fail. On the other hand, you may not want to target all geographies or people with low incomes. Hence, try to know their audience first.

2. Number of monthly visits and visitor engagement

You need to know how many people see your ad per month. Use online tools like Ahrefs and Alexa to check this. However, high traffic alone cannot achieve your goals. You need an audience that spends time browsing popular advertising sites.

Check their content to see how much your visitors are engaging. For example, is their comment section busy or has no one left a comment? You can also ask them to share information about their users' behavior with you.

3. Website Content

It is very important to pay attention to the content of the host when advertising on popular sites. It is possible that there is content on these sites that will harm your brand image. In this way, your advertising budget is spent on reducing your customers and reputation.

On the other hand, the content of the website is doubly important in matching ads. They can achieve a high click rate due to their similarity to the content of the website. For this reason, the content of your ad should match the content of the host website.

4. Advertising formats

What types of ads are available on your most visited sites? Should you just stick with banners or do they work with you to deliver ads in different formats? It is better not to settle for only one advertising model.

You can increase your click rate by displaying ads in different formats such as banner and matching. The increase in the click rate means the return of the costs that you have spent on advertising. Hence, go for sites that open your hands for advertising in different formats.

5. Updates and corrections

The ability to redesign and update your ads will help you improve your results. When choosing popular sites for advertising, consider whether you can modify your ads in the future.

For example, your banners may not meet your expectations. In this situation, you decide to correct them before the advertising budget is wasted. Alternatively, you might want to use A/B testing to find the best ad format and content. You have to check different variables to get the best option.

Source: Yektanet

