Iran; The new hub of medical tourism in the world

Iran; The new hub of medical tourism in the world
News code : ۱۰۹۰۶۸۳

In the Middle East, Iran is known as a popular and safe destination for medical tourists.

Compared to its neighbors such as Turkey, the UAE and Saudi Arabia, medical and cosmetic surgeries like obesity surgery in Iran are way cheaperwith high quality medical services and is a higher priority for medical tourism. Iran and especially Tehran in the field of cosmetic surgery in the world, especially nose job surgery in Iran has become an attractive destination.

IranMedopia as one of the providers of Iran medical tours is here to tell you why Iran is known as the new hub of medical tourism in the middle east and the world. We should mention that, IranMedopia as one of the pioneers of medical tours in the main cities of Iran, is ready to offer to people from around the world the best high-quality services at the lowest price with the most famous and experienced doctors and all the services and facilities that you will need like transportation, medical visa, accommodation, translator and etc.

Iran's position in medical tourism in the world

Based on Iranmedopia statics, the majority of tourists who choose Iran as a destination for medical tours come from neighboring countries such as Iraq, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Oman, Kuwait and Afghanistan, followed by cosmetic surgery, eye surgery, infertility treatment, open heart surgery, spine surgery and organ transplantation. Other groups are more developed countries and come to Iran for cosmetic surgeries, especially nose job, weight loss surgery, plastic surgery, hair transplantation and breast implant surgery. Of course, these are just a few examples.

Why Iran is the best choice for medical and cosmetic services?

What are the reasons for patients to travel to Iran for medical and cosmetic treatment? IranMedopia, as the host of medical tours in Iran answers this question for you: Most American medical tourists seek medical care in other countries for a quarter or even a tenth of the cost in the US. Canadians are tired of long waiting lists. The British are among the patients who cannot wait for treatment based on their medical system and cannot afford private payment. Other tourists also like to experience a tropical vacation with elective plastic surgery. The reason most patients come from poor countries (such as Bangladesh) is that they do not have access to treatment in their own country.

the cost of treatment in Iran is very cheap. Medical expenses in Iran are competitive not only with developed countries, but also with developing countries. In addition, this advantage in some services is competitive with the leading countries in the industry in Southeast Asia. The cost of most medical interventions in Iran is very low compared to other countries in the region. At the same time, there is currently fierce competition between medical and tourism providers, both domestically and internationally.

Medical tourism in Iran has many characteristics, which is why many tourists prioritize Iran for their medical tourism. Having more benefits and features in a country encourages tourists to choose it for medical tourism. In this part of the article, IranMedopia will refer to the characteristics of medical tourism in Iran.

Low costs

One of the most important and best benefits of medical tourism in Iran is related to the low cost of treatment and services to individuals compared to other countries, which is very amazing. Most countries, especially European countries and the United States, require high costs in the provision of health services, so not everyone can afford it. Of course, India has the lowest prices among countries in terms of medical services, but compared to Iran has a lower quality of medical services and in terms of culture and tourist attractions, Iran is much more powerful than India.

Skilled and experienced doctors

Iran is in a high position in terms of medical science and experienced professional surgeons, and this is well known and undeniable in the world. As you know, the skills and experience of doctors in the field of medical tourism are very important, so this issue cannot be ignored.


