Iran is ready to repair gas pipeline blown up in attack ; official

Iran is ready to repair gas pipeline blown up in attack ; official
News code : ۹۱۸۶۱۸

"Iran is ready to repair Turkish gas pipeline within a week and re-export gas to Turkey," the director of dispatching at the National Iranian Gas Company told that ILNA.

Speaking to ILNA news agency, the Iranian official Mehdi Jamshidi-dana said "Of course, the Turkish side has announced that it would receive necessary equipment for repairing the exploded gas pipeline but the reason behind its delay is still unknown.

"Repairs following such attacks usually take between three days and one week, but Ankara only began the work in mid-April and told the Iranian government that it would take several weeks," he added.

Answering to question about extension of the contract with Turkey, he said that due to some sensitivities and spread of coronavirus in the world, the contract extension has been delayed, but negotiations will continue and there is no problem.

He went on to say that he does not understand the reason behind Turkey’s delay in repairing the pipeline and resumption of receiving gas, admitting there are several assumptions but the main reason is vague.

And also, the Member of the Energy Commission of Iran Parliament Reza Bakhtiar told ILNA news agency that this pipeline is a sign of friendship between the two neighboring countries.

Referring to US sanctions, he added "Iran and Turkey have had good relations during the sanctions period and it does not seem Turkish government has been influenced by the United States or other countries in the region."

Iran's Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh on Monday blamed Turkey for not showing interest in repairing a gas pipeline and adding that Iran offered to help repair the pipeline but the other side did not welcome it.

One private sector official said Turkey was using the repair delays to reduce the price of natural gas that Iran sells to Turkey. Turkey imported 17 percent of its natural gas needs from Iran last year, amounting to 2.7 billion cubic metres, S&P Global said.

The pipeline was blown up at the end of March, allegedly by Kurdish militants, and flows of natural gas were halted on March 31. Turkey is yet to provide an official explanation for the stoppage or details of when pumping would resume.

Iran sells about 10 billion cubic meters of gas a year to Turkey under a 25-year supply deal signed in 1996. This pipeline has been hit by terrorist attacks since the 1990s.

The explosion occurred near the Gurbulak border gate with Iran in Agri province, which is near the joint Bazargan border. Later, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) claimed responsibility for the attack.

