Tehran, Ankara confer to reopen trade borders

Tehran, Ankara confer to reopen trade borders
News code : ۹۰۸۹۷۷

Chairman of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran Hamid Zadboom and Turkish Deputy Trade Minister Reza Tuna Turagay discuss the reopening of trade borders between the two countries.

Chairman of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran Hamid Zadboom in a video call with Reza Tuna Turagay on Monday, referring to Iran's efforts to ensure the health of commercial goods, called on Turkey to reopen trade borders between the two countries.

Zadboom expressed hope that Iran's transit route to Europe from Turkey would reopen as soon as possible.

Emphasizing the importance of relations between the two countries, the Turkish official said, "The Turkish Trade Ministry will try to resume the activities of trade borders between Iran and Turkey as soon as possible."

