Iran is nothing like what the media portrays; Spanish & Turkish tourist guide told ILNA

A Spanish tourist guide Juliandro Luiz believes that Iran is so different from what we had seen represented in the media.
Speaking to ILNA news agency correspondent, Juliandro Luiz who comes to Iran for fifth time added “Iran has about 1.5 million Arabs, about ten million Turks and all kinds of languages so your country is more like a continent.”
“Iran's cultural architecture is so diverse that it takes several months for anyone to fully understand Iran.”
The Spanish tour guide confirmed “I'm coming back, but the more important thing is I’m promoting Spanish people to travel to Iran.”
“The media doesn't depict a real picture of the countries so people have to transfer their knowledge to each other," he said.
Burak Gurkiz who has Institute for Tourism in Jakarta and Thailand said to ILNA that Iran is really a developed country and Iranian are the most hospitable who are very friendly to us.
“Iran is a new undiscovered land so we come back a few years later and rediscover Iran.”
The Turkish tourist added that it is so difficult to change the views of the world but we accept this challenge.