Twitter’s blocking linked to security issues; Iran new minister

The new minister of Communications and Information Technology has said that Twitter’s blocking is not linked to moral and cultural factors, but to security issues and could be unblocked.
Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, who was confirmed by parliament, says “Twitter could be unblocked after negotiations with the authorities on the social messaging platform”.
“We we cannot disregard such a broad-based social network.”
The minister also said that the Telecoms Ministry is not responsible for blocking the website, but will negotiate with the relevant authorities (the judiciary) on the matter.
“I have a Twitter account and I think it is a suitable tool for public diplomacy, connecting to people around the globe and voicing our ideas.”
His predecessor, Mahmoud Vaezi, had also called for unblocking people’s access to Twitter.
“Since several Iranian officials actively use Twitter, the authorities should reconsider blocking the service,” Vaezi said last month.
Twitter is very popular with celebrities and politicians around the world, with President Hassan Rouhani, and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif actively using the service.