Iran is ready to export wheat

Iran has self-sufficient in wheat production in spite of imposing cruel sanctions against the country and after supplying the domestic needs; it joined the club of the exporters of the strategic product.
Iran attained self-sufficiency in wheat production during the 8th government, but could not stand in a position of wheat exporter in the world.
Supports of the 11th government and the situation created following the implementation of joint comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) world markets doors opened to Iranian producers.
Head of National Union of Agricultural crops exporters Reza Nourani told IRNA on Monday that the first wheat consignment weighing 35,000 tons was exported to Oman this year.
He added that wheat and rice are strategic crops, which are so important in supplying food security.
Nourani said almost all countries need wheat for their daily food.
He expressed pleasure that Iran has changed its position from an importer of wheat to exporter of the strategic crop.
According to the official statistics, Iran has capability to export 2 million tons of wheat.