Improving workers' condition does not totally depend on fixing wage policies: Iranian economist tells ILNA

Iranian economist has called for an empowerment of workers' living conditions.
"Kamal Athari", Iranian economist, in an interview with ILNA said that improving workers' living condition is not just relyed on fixing wage policies and beside that, there should be conditions to demonopolize general wealth from rentier economy and make it accessible to productive forces in the society.
Regarding the new announced rates of the families' basket of goods, he stated that the rates only consider the families in metropolis areas and looking at the housing, education and transportation costs we can recognize that the rates can not cover the costs.
Stating that the workers and in general labor forces, as the constructive mind of the society, need to be empowered, he added that unfortunately because of a rentier economy, instead of improving living conditions and empowering the labor's society we are witnessing a failed arrangement of economic relations which as a result would lead to the decline of economic power of this group.
Connecting the improvement of the country's wage system to how the country's political economy approach has been defined, he stated that wage in the frames of political economy is all that is being distributed and redistributed as the surplus of economic activity.