700,000 jobs will be created next year

The share of ICT in job creation is expected to rise by 2% to reach 12% over the next Iranian year (March 2017-18)
The government of President Hassan Rouhani is among the world’s top five in generating an annual average of 704,000 jobs
Seven-hundred new jobs will be created in the next Iranian year (March 2017-18), says Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare Ali Rabiei.
“The new employment opportunities will be provided in a range of sectors, mainly in information and communications technology as well as in internship programs offered by the ministry,” Rabiei said.
Earlier this month, the minister announced that the share of ICT in job creation is expected to rise by 2% to reach 12% over the next Iranian year.
According to senior presidential advisor Masoud Nili, the government of President Hassan Rouhani is among the world’s top five in generating an annual average of 704,000 jobs.
“This extraordinary achievement has gone unnoticed because of the sharp rise in the number of job-seekers,” he said.
In the first decade after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran experienced a baby boom and the population became larger and younger.
The Iranian population is now estimated at about 80 million, with roughly 60% of ages 30 and younger.
“There were 9.3 million infants and children in the country in 1986, according to the National Population and Housing Census of that year. Ten years later, those children became teenagers and Iran had around 20 million students, which brought additional pressure on the Education Ministry,” he said.