Iran ready to meet BRICS energy demands: senior MP

Iran ready to meet BRICS energy demands: senior MP
News code : ۱۵۰۵۲۸۴

A senior Iranian lawmaker has said the Islamic Republic is prepared to supply BRICS member states with oil and gas to meet their growing energy demands.

A senior Iranian lawmaker has said the Islamic Republic is prepared to supply BRICS member states with oil and gas to meet their growing energy demands.


Rouhollah Mousavi of the Iranian Parliament's Internal Affairs and Councils Commission, who is in Russia to attend a BRICS parliamentary forum stated that Iran is capable of selling oil and gas to BRICS countries in exchange for banking and trade services.

Mousavi said that during the two-day visit to Russia led by Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the Iranian parliamentary delegation held meetings with delegations of other BRICS countries.

In those meetings, the MP added, the Iranian delegation called for the expansion of banking and trade exchanges within BRICS, while also stressing the need for the de-dollarization of economic transactions.


