The Chinesse investment in Iraq is increasing: ex-official

Mahmoud Khaqani, the former director general of Caspian and Central Asian affairs of the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum, has said that in a short period of time, the amount of Chinese investment in Iraq was about 3 billion dollars.
"The Chinesse investment in Iraq is increasing, and especially that the Chinese have become very active in the Kurdistan region of Iraq," he said in an exclkusive interview with ILNA.
"In the field of exploration, extraction and exploitation of the opposite oil fields of Iraq, most of the Chinese companies have won the tenders, while the Americans have not had much desire to invest in this country," he added.
"It seems that China has set its main goal for the development of oil and gas in Iraq and is trying to increase barter transactions in Iran compared to Iraq, that is, it intends to maintain the current production level in Iran," he added.