Iran to raise gas output from South Pars by acidizing 16 wells

The head of the South Pars Phases 22-23-24 development project at Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) has announced that acidizing operations in 16 production wells of these phases will restart during Administration Week in Iran (24-29 August).
Administration Week in Iran commemorates the martyrdom of former President Mohammad Ali Rajaei and his prime minister, Mohammad Javad Bahonar.
Acidizing operations in the wells of South Pars phases 22-23-24 had been halted since 2021 due to some issues, Amirfarzan Fazelian said, adding that with the complete acidification of the remaining 16 wells, gas output from these phases in South Pars is expected to increase.
Fazelian stated that this operation will add 11,326,739 cubic meters of gas to the production capacity of phases 22, 23, and 24 of the South Pars.