Pakistan calls for improved economic ties with Iran

Pakistan calls for improved economic ties with Iran
News code : ۱۳۵۲۳۴۲

​Pakistan’s President Arif Alvi has hailed Iran’s position in considering Islamic world issues while calling for a bolstering of economic ties with Iran.

Mohammad Ali Hosseini, at the end of his mission as the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan met and held talks with President Alvi in Islamabad on Thursday.

The Presidential Palace of Pakistan issued a statement at the meeting saying that President Alvi had called for increased cooperation between Pakistan and Iran in all fields and stated that strengthening economic and trade relations will help provide mutual benefit.

Appreciating the Iranian ambassador's efforts to further strengthen relations between the two brotherly countries during his mission, especially boosting economic interactions, President Alvi said that Pakistan values its fraternal relations with Iran because both countries have historical and cultural ties and share common views on important regional and international issues.

He thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran's support for Pakistan's political positions and noted that it is inevitable for the two to strengthen their counterterrorism cooperation to eliminate terrorism challenges in the region.

The Pakistani president hailed Iran's attention to Islamic issues, especially the Palestinian cause and the fight against Islamophobia, and expressed his satisfaction with the resumption of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia while describing this development as an important initiative that would bring peace and stability to the Middle East.

Hosseini, for his part, referred to the cooperation capacities between Iran and Pakistan and stressed the need to expand economic, cultural, and political cooperation between the two countries.
