Iran earns near $11b from exports to neighboring states

Iran earns near $11b from exports to neighboring states
News code : ۱۲۷۵۶۲۰

The spokesman for Iran's Customs Administration has said that non-oil exports to the 15 neighboring countries have been 10.7 billion dollars during the first five months of the Iranian calendar year (starting on March 21).

Iran’s non-oil trade with its neighbors has had remarkable growth in terms of value and weight during the mentioned period, Rouhollah Latifi announced.

Elaborating on the country’s foreign trade, the official noted that 25.398 million tons of Iranian commodities with the value of $10.723bn were exported to the 15 neighboring states, which shows a 27 percent increase compared with the preceding year.

Latifi named Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Oman, and Azerbaijan as Iran’s first seven export destinations, followed by Russia, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.
