Abdolmaleki disapproved by MPs as incompetent for Ministry of Labor

The representative of Neishabour and Firoozeh in Iran's Parliament disapproved the proposed Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare in Raisi's administration for the lack of a defined and coherent plan
Opposing the proposed Minister of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare, Hajar Chenarani said: "Hojjatullah Abdolmaleki has no career in the ministry, and it will take several months for him to get acquainted with the process. At this time, we do not have the time to waste. We are all looking for professional and revolutionary managers."
Chenarani added: "According to the policies set by of the Leader of Iran's Islamic Revolution, development and employment have been mentioned among top priorities, and the minister should present a short-term, medium-term and long-term plans in this regard, while after the review and examinations, we see his program are just for the welfare due to Abdolmaleki's experience in this area."
The Lawmaker added "This ministry is not a small place, Mr. Raisi, you are known as an anti-corruption figure, but it must be admitted that this model of introducing the cabinet is not correct, and the specialties of the individuals are not appropriate for their ministries."
Chenarani stated: "30% of the country's economy is in the hands of companies under this ministry; it should be noted that according to the Sixth Plan, the share of the cooperative sector in our country's economy should have reached 25 percent, while it is 4 percent now. What plans does the proposed minister have in these areas?"
Opposing the plans proposed by the Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare, the representative of the people of Tehran also said: "Working in the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee is different from the Ministry of Cooperatives, and Abdolmaleki does not have the necessary experiences for this ministry."
Abdul Hussein Rouholamini stated: "Abdolmaleki has no command of the issues of the Ministry of Cooperative as a ministry that is a combination of several organizations."
The representative of the people of Falavarjan opposed the proposed Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare, saying that the Ministry of Labor needs an experienced minister with a good carrier.
Naser Mousavi Largani said: "Ministries as great as the Ministry of Labor need an experienced minister with a good carrier."
Speaking in the open session of Iran's Parliament this morning, Largani opposed Hojjatullah Abdolmaleki's plans, stating that this ministry deals with 70 million people, and Abdolmaleki is a believer, intelligent man, theorist, and master of resistive economy, but Mr. Raisi had said that the reason for introducing him was his background in the Relief Committee and his tenure as Deputy Minister of Labor for Employment, but employment is only a trans-ministerial issue, and knowledge and experience are very important for holding this position.
Referring to some incidents in the country, such as the plane crash, the Sanchi ship fire, and the Yurt Golestan mine accident in 2017, Largani stated: "The management of these incidents requires a strong person, while only one of the Social Security Investment Company's subsidiaries is Isfahan Steel Company, that a 40-year-old non-industrial young man cannot manage it, hence how can Abdulmaleki be the Minister for the Ministry of Cooperatives?
Also, the representative of the people of Semirom, an opponent of Hojjatullah Abdolmaleki, the proposed Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said: "Abdolmaleki is not affiliated with the ministry, how can he identify a strong management team to run the affairs in a short time?"