Minister: Azerbaijan to continue energy swap with Iran

Minister: Azerbaijan to continue energy swap with Iran
News code : ۱۰۸۴۲۶۲

Azerbaijan Republic Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov referring to President Elham Aliev’s comment on Karabakh as “the green energy region” said in Iran on Monday that the energy swap between Azerbaijan and Iran that is already taking place will continue.

Shabazov who was speaking with the press after a meeting with his Iranian counterpart near Aras Dam added that today we exchanged ideas on recyclable energies and the two countries’ future cooperation scope.

Referring to the previously reached agreements that are being implemented now, he said: Constructing the Nakhichevan Gas Power Generator, construction of the Khoda Afarin and Qiz Qalah Si dams are among the agreements that will in the future both provide water resources for the two countries and contribute noticeably to electricity generating.

The Azerbaijani minister said that today the 50th anniversary of joint usage of the Aras Dam and erecting the Moqan Border Post between the Islamic Republic of Ira and the Azerbaijan Republic was celebrated and therefore it is a great day, adding: There is rarely ever any bilateral cooperation which has lasted 50 years.

 “Close cooperation for half a century is very rare and is the result of our two countries’ brotherly and amicable relations, and this cooperation will keep on continuing prosperously,” he said.

The Azerbaijani energy minister said that negotiations on construction of Ordubad Power Station were held and the negotiations are proceeding dynamically.

Shahbazov alos referred to the completed negotiations on constructing the Nakhichevan Power House using entirely Iranian facilities, arguing that the Khodafarin and Qalah Si dams will in the future contribute noticeably to electricity generating.

