No permission needed to return to oil market

No permission needed to return to oil market
News code : ۱۰۱۰۵۸۷

Stating that the export of 2.3 million barrels is possible, Minister of Oil Bijan Zanganeh said that Iran does not need permission to return to oil markets.

“If there are no sanctions and resources are provided to rehabilitate wells that have been reduced in production, 2.3 million barrels can be exported,” said Zanganeh.

Noting that OPEC has the commitment to maintain prices, he added, “Iran does not need permission to return to the oil market because it considers it as a right.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, he referred to the sanctions, saying, “During the sanctions period, we proved that we will not give up and find another way to prevent the stop of the development of the oil industry through the efforts of our colleagues.”

“Despite U.S. sanctions against Iran’s oil industry, Iran’s oil production has never stopped,” Zanganeh highlighted.

He reiterated that if the sanctions are lifted and resources for revival pf production in some wells whose production has decreased, Iran can export 2.3m bpd.

On the possible candidacy for running president in the 2021 election, he said he himself has also heard such a rumor, reiterating that one should not trust whatever he hears.

Zanganeh also warned people over gas consumption, saying that people should stop wasting gas and they should be used according to their needs otherwise they may face restrictions.

On the conditions set by foreigners for return to Iran in case of lifting sanctions, he said first the U.S. should return to the JCPOA, then we can talk about this point.

Touching upon developing joint fields, he emphasized that currently, the ministry is focused on developing Balal, Farzad, Kish and South Pars fields in the gas sector and Karoun, Jofeir, and Sepehr projects in the oil sector.

He also said that the first phase of Phase 14 of South Pars is to come on stream by the yearend.

Zanganeh reiterated that if the South Pars gas field is not developed and the production is not protected, the country will face a shortage of gas in two years.

He went on to say that the ministry has called on domestic companies to start development of some gas and oil fields as soon as possible, noting that currently 95 percent of the total population of the country enjoys using gas services.

