"Jean-Luc Nancy: Anastasis of Thinking", a memorial event for the grand philosopher

The philosophical corpus of Jean-Luc Nancy is now the contact between us and him. Nancy has given us a singular-plural of body of works in the history of philosophy.
One cannot talk about philosophy without mentioning Jean-Luc Nancy. He went beyond language, beyond the boundaries and usual limits of thought. Nancy was (and still is) a philosopher of the impossible, a philosopher of a world that could be liberated, a thinker so special and unique that in his works he connects body and world, existence and non-existence, and promised a kind of rebirth for everything and all realms.
The "Philosophy-World-Democracy" journal will hold a three days conference with Centre Pompidou and Ecole Normale Superieure in memory of Jean-Luc Nancy with the reading of texts by his friends, films about him, musical performances, and discussions exploring the themes which concerned Nancy throughout his life —body, touch, world, sense, community, democracy, value, poetry, cinema, the arts, religion, technology, death, time.
"The philosophical corpus of Jean-Luc Nancy is now the contact between us and him. Nancy has given us a singular-plural of body of works in the history of philosophy. Nancy was never distant from the central concerns of philosophy—time, being, spanne, the negative, form, categories—and from philosophy itself even when it was in fashion to be non-philosophers. While being at a remove from the centre of the inventive era of philosophy in Paris by withdrawing into the distant of Strasbourg, Nancy was revealed to be the very heart of that era. He drew out the sense of the philosophical corpus of Descartes, Kant, the German Romantics, Hegel, Husserl, and Heidegger, and also that of his contemporaries — Derrida, Lyotard, Lacan, Deleuze. His thought explored and released the spores of other beginnings which were metaphysical, political, literary, and aesthetic. He nurtured friendships and created events which kept open the possibility of the arrival of the other in the philosophical tradition for a chance of anastasis.", the "Philosophy-World-Democracy" journal explains on its website.
Important figures of philosophy and thought from all over the world come together to honor the memory and heritage of this renowned philosopher.
Among the important and prominent figures of this meeting, we can mention Shaj Mohan and Divya Dwivedi, influential subcontinental philosophers taking forward the movement of deconstruction, who have been friends and collaborators for nearly two decades with Nancy, François Warin, a life long friend of Nancy, Etienne Balibar, Avital Ronell Maël Montévil and Pierre Alferi.
Organisers: Divya Dwivedi, Jérôme Lèbre, Shaj Mohan, Maël Montévil et François Warin
The program of this three-day seminar is as follows:
Saturday/ 22 January
Centre Pompidou, Place Georges-Pompidou, 75004 Paris, dans le cadre du Festival Hors Pistes : “L’âge des images”
11h30 : Jérôme Lèbre, Part’âges
11h45 : Divya Dwivedi, Le commencement de Jean-Luc Nancy
12h00 : Shaj Mohan, Deconstruction and Anastasis
12h15 : Danielle Cohen-Levinas, Être partout où est la vie. Mourir infiniment
12h30 : Discussion
12h45 : Pause
13h30 : Jean-Christophe Bailly, La surprise recommencée du sens
13h45 : Clemens-Carl Härle, L'immémorial. Nancy et le portrait
14h00 : Avital Ronell, Addiction – Adoration
14h15 : Discussion
14h30 : Pause
14h45 : Simone Fluhr, L’homme, ce vieil animal malade (film)
16h15 : Pause
16h30 : André Bernold, Hélène Nancy, Avec Sans Avec (montage de textes avec Augustin Nancy et la participation exceptionnelle de Dominique Reymond)
17h30 : Pause
17h40 : Rodolphe Burger et Pierre Alferi, Meaningless (performance musicale)
Sunday / 23 January
Amphithéâtre Evariste Galois, ENS, 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris
10h : Claire Denis, Vers Nancy (film)
10h15 : François Warin, Jean-Luc Nancy, La grande santé (texte lu par Hélène Nancy)
10h30 : Première session
Marcia Cavalcante Schuback, Exister: transitivement
Maël Montévil, Biologie et étrangeté du corps
Philippe Choulet, Inclus Spinoza en toi (discours de réception de Spinoza pour Jean-Luc Nancy à l'Académie des Philosophes)
11h30 : Pause
11h45 : Deuxième session
Sergio Benvenuto, Parler à Jean-Luc Nancy
Etienne Balibar, Quelle "sortie" de la religion (par la religion)?
12h45 : Pause – Repas
14h : Phillip Warnell, Outlandish : étranges corps étrangers (film)
14h30 : Troisième session
Daniela Calabro, La peau du monde – finitude et existence
Pierre-Philippe Jandin, La lumière crépusculaire
Gérard Bensussan, L’expérience de la liberté
15h30 : Pause
15h45 : Suzanne Doppelt, Still Life (texte et images)
16h : Quatrième session
Benedetta Todaro, Être borderline : lorsque le trauma n'a pas fait trame
Laurence Joseph, L’appel de l’intime
Jacob Rogozinski, Face à l’im-monde.
17h : Pause
17h15 : Philippe Poirier, L’expérience intérieure (film)
Monday / 24 January
Online - Zoom
10h : Première session
Osamu Nishitani, matin, La vie philosophique de Jean-Luc Nancy au-delà de la métaphysique occidentale
Ryosuke Kakinami (Japan), Re-commencement, reprise -- de la pensée
Takashi Ichikawa (Japan), La foi et la démocratie
Marguerite la Caze, (Queensland, Australia) Jean-Luc Nancy and D’ailleurs, Derrida
11h15 : Pause
11h30 : Deuxième session
Federico Ferrari, Les idolâtres
Tomas Maia (Portugal), Incroyable présence
Boyan Manchev (Bulgarie), L'insurrection de la pensée, Jean-Luc Nancy
Satoshi Ukai, Trois questions que j'ai posées un jour à Jean-Luc Nancy
12h45 : Pause
13h30 : Troisième session
Benoît Goetz (France), Un maître particulièrement amical
David Zerbib (EU), Jean-Luc Nancy et la déclosion de l'Esthétique
Safaa Fathy (France), Noli me tangere - L’expérience de la liberté
14h30 : Pause
14h45 : Quatrième session
Mathilde Girard (France) TBA
Zeynep Direk (Turkey) Jean-Luc Nancy and the End of Philosophy
Camille Fallen (France), Jean-Luc Nancy, Porté(e)s de la pensée
15h45 : Pause
16h45 : Cinquième session
Alexander García Düttmann (Germany) et Juan Manuel Garrido (Chili), “De quel côté ça tombe” ; leçon de Jean-Luc Nancy
Aïcha Liviana Messina (Chili), La maladie du monde
17h45 : Pause
18h : Sixième session
Maria de Rosario Acosta (Colombia), The unstoppable murmur of being together
Andrea Potesta (Chili), Une voix dans le desert
Frédéric Neyrat (US), La nécessité d'infinir : le "Que faire ?" de Jean-Luc Nancy