Irregular employment increased at the time of Ghalibaf; Salimi tells ILNA

City Council candidate criticized irregular and illegal employment in Tehran's Municipality.
"Mostafa Salimi", Tehran’s City Council candidate, in his interview with ILNA, criticizing irregular, illegal and chaotic recruitments and employments at the time of Tehran’s Mayor, "Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf", told: "Such measures are against his campaign promises in speeding up modern management procedures in the country."
According to Salimi, Ghalibaf, instead of systematic and lawful employment through public media, tried to establish new systems in selective recruitments.
Former Mayor of some Tehran’s regions, added such approaches in widening the scope and weight of organizational structures in administrative buildings and deputies in the Municipality is in odd with his campaign promises in shrinking the governments.
Salimi emphasized that the organization’s financial situation is in a critical point and said: "Before the situation reaches a chaotic point, we should act and those experts and specialists who have been driven away, should get back to their position to stop the current failed approaches."
According to him, Tehran’s Municipality’s debt and liabilities to banks and contractors is reaching a critical point. At the end he called for urgent actions in this regard.